01 - Dasher with the light upon his tail 02 - C-h-r-i-s-t-m-a-s 03 - Santa's on his way 04 - Christmas ain't like Christmas anymore 05 - Jingle bells 06 - Silent night 07 - Here comes Santa Claus 08 - Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer 09 - Blue Christmas 10 - Old Kris Kringle 11 - White Christmas 12 - Away in a manger
Thank you so much for this near perfect quality of Merry Christmas from Kitty. I have been patiently waiting (here in the U.S.) for MCA to re-release this on CD but it hasn't happened yet. So far I've purchased 3 CD's that seem to be bootleg copies and two vinyl copies that were too scratched up to clean up well. It seems you might be from Germany. Has this been released on CD there? Thank you again. J.D.
Thank you so much for this near perfect quality of Merry Christmas from Kitty. I have been patiently waiting (here in the U.S.) for MCA to re-release this on CD but it hasn't happened yet. So far I've purchased 3 CD's that seem to be bootleg copies and two vinyl copies that were too scratched up to clean up well. It seems you might be from Germany. Has this been released on CD there? Thank you again. J.D.